Dr Natasha Cica
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Dr Natasha Cica
Director, Kapacity
Adjunct Professor, ANU College of Law
Current Positions
Director, Kapacity
Adjunct Professor, ANU College of Law
Previous Positions
Director and CEO, Heide Museum of Modern Art
Director, Inglis Clark Centre for Civil Society , University of Tasmania
Associate Professor Natasha Cica is Director of the Inglis Clark Centre for Civil Society in the Division of the Provost at the University of Tasmania. The Inglis Clark Centre plays a leading strategic and practical role in the University�s thought leadership and community engagement initiatives. Natasha is also an inaugural recipient of a prestigious Sidney Myer Creative Fellowship. Just twelve Australians were selected for these fellowships from over three hundred nominations, with regard to two criteria: outstanding talent and exceptional courage.
Born, raised and living in Tasmania, Natasha has commented on politics and culture for a wide range of publications, including the Age, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Australian, the Australian Financial Review, Griffith Review, the Mercury, Quarterly Essay, Island and Inside Story.
Natasha founded Hobart-based management and communications consultancy Periwinkle Projects, and established online venture newmatilda.com in 2004 as its founding editor. She has also worked as a lawyer and parliamentary adviser and at public interest think tanks in Europe and Australia. Natasha has degrees in law and arts from the Australian National University, King�s College London and the University of Cambridge. She was awarded a National Undergraduate Scholarship (ANU), the Blackburn Medal for Research in Law (ANU), the Tillyard Prize (ANU), a Lionel Murphy Overseas Postgraduate Scholarship, the Sir Eric Scowen Prize (King's College London), and a WM Tapp Studentship in Law (Cambridge).
Her new book is "Pedder Dreaming: Olegas Truchanas and a Lost Tasmanian Wilderness" (UQP, 2011).
Born, raised and living in Tasmania, Natasha has commented on politics and culture for a wide range of publications, including the Age, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Australian, the Australian Financial Review, Griffith Review, the Mercury, Quarterly Essay, Island and Inside Story.
Natasha founded Hobart-based management and communications consultancy Periwinkle Projects, and established online venture newmatilda.com in 2004 as its founding editor. She has also worked as a lawyer and parliamentary adviser and at public interest think tanks in Europe and Australia. Natasha has degrees in law and arts from the Australian National University, King�s College London and the University of Cambridge. She was awarded a National Undergraduate Scholarship (ANU), the Blackburn Medal for Research in Law (ANU), the Tillyard Prize (ANU), a Lionel Murphy Overseas Postgraduate Scholarship, the Sir Eric Scowen Prize (King's College London), and a WM Tapp Studentship in Law (Cambridge).
Her new book is "Pedder Dreaming: Olegas Truchanas and a Lost Tasmanian Wilderness" (UQP, 2011).
Areas of Expertise
How a lawyer turned academic became director of Heide Museum of Modern Art
Financial Review
November 19, 2017
The Apple Isle
ABC Radio National
March 04, 2013
Does Tasmania need an intervention?
The Conversation
February 04, 2013
Not such a big deal if you've got nothing to lose
The Australian
January 17, 2013
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